Saturday, April 11, 2009

The past few months of the life

so its been awhile since ive updated this thing, and by popular request of pete ive decided to find it again and update on the regs. atleast once a week. so heres some stuff from the past few months of the life of toni.
j-stay really wanted to shammy off the roof before we moved out so he tryed it a few different times and he got worked everytime. best photo i got of him tryin. he came close a few times. maybe he can sneak over there and try it again.

Tattoo i got a few days before halloween, its the grim reaper and i didnt change the view of it so you could tell so deal

Thats ashley cat sebastian, hes kind of a pussy but i like him. hes nice and cuddly, not gay like ash tends to think he is.

This is p-franks old board, i dont remember the date but it was like decemeber or jan i think. jenk life. if you dont know about jenkem then you need to do a google search bitch!

los taquitos, on elliot and the 60. some guy from the food network or travel channel ate there and petes been up on his food joints he visited while he was here and this place is bomb. you should go there. the girl that works there is a fly seniorita, i probably fucked the spelling oh well.

hahah this is a bbq place in gilbert i went to with pete and ash. thats a mural they had on the wall. it was kinda fucked up because it had mexicans working and white people just walkin around the plantation all happy drinkin lemonade. it was hilarious.

it was movin time a few weeks ago, and jahir and link put the couch in the trash can, dont know how they did it but it worked some how. it was pretty funny throwing all the shit in the alley. literally all the furniture was in the alley. love it

few weeks ago, me an pete were getting boards, he had to go poop and this is what bucky did, put so much shit in front of the door, he filmed it and when pete came out he just pushed all the shit and walked out like nothing even happened.

last photo for this update and its jimmyboyoyoyoyoyoyoyoy he had just got off work and picked me up and he looked like a fuckin cowboy so i made him pose even tho he didnt want to. thanks ol boy-o

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